From Salad Dressing to Hair Dressing
You don’t really need to use Extra Virgin Olive Oil for this simple dressing, but warm oil treatments massaged into your hair and scalp will help perk up your locks. After harsh winter weather and dry indoor heat your hair may need nourishment. This treatment will leave your hair and scalp feeling softer, looking shinier, and be revitalized for spring.
Toss olive oil with an essential oil like chamomile or rosemary and use it as a nourishing hair wrap!
Here’s my Spring Hair Dressing Recipe
1 tablespoon of olive oil
3 drops of chamomile or rosemary essential oil
Warm the olive oil in a small bowl sitting in a larger bowl of hot water and mix in the essential oil.
Apply oil dressing to your hair using the opportunity to give yourself, or better yet, someone else, a yummy scalp massage.
Wrap hair in plastic wrap, and cover with a hot towel Leave dressing on for up to two hours. Replace the hot towels as they cool. Then just shampoo your hair a couple of times to wash out the oil treatment.
You’ll enjoy seeing and feeling the benefits of olive oil treated hair. It will be softer, shinier and healthier. Combining your hair dressing with beautiful eating—tossed salads made with olive oil and herbs—will promote shiny, full-bodied beautiful hair from the inside out!
Read more about Beautiful Eating for Beautiful Hair in Fiona’s next article…
In Our Next Article
We will explore more about beauty through food for healthy hair!
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